09/12/2024 - Super Long Update!!!

woahg... its been a long time since ive updated on here... ive been super busy with school and other stuff that i havent had much motivation to work on this site, but i wanna start doing stuff on here again! so im back now :D (kind of)

despite the title of this entry i dont think this update is actually going to be super long but i love being dramatic so lets get into what ive been up to since the last time i posted a blog entry!

and thats pretty much all the stuff significant to me that i remember right now.. my life is not very eventful ("-_-) well thats all, just wanted to post something here again because i missed working on this site! -3- todays song of the day is one that ive been SUPER obsessed with recently, its really good so i think u should listen to it

song of the day - Rumor by NASTYONA